Monday, 28 September 2009

Biodiversity ideas and images...

My first thoughts were to avoid the obvious 'here's 3 stamps of flowers' images and try and tell more of a story, like here's a spider, he's Mr Smugface cos he's caught a fly in his trap and is about to gobble him up, but lookout, here's a bird and he's gonna devour the spider.
The stamps would tell the 'story' ......spider in web, fly in web, bird. Linking them together would be the web that's in a gorse bush and the creatures are all near/in the web.


  1. that would be good Paul creating a story through stamps to make people understand more about biodiversity. but there would be no writing on the stamp or would there be? is the the kind of line u are going on?

  2. Cheers for the comments Rich. No, I wouldn't go with text but the images once placed in a line would tell the story if you see what I mean?
    When new stamps are first released, they can be bought as a set for collectors, called First Day Covers.
    Check my next post for examples mate.
